ACOR and AHA Redefine High Blood Pressure


Blood Pressure pic
Blood Pressure

For the past 15 years, Dr. Rajan Bhatt has practiced cardiac medicine at Scottsdale, Arizona’s Spectrum Dermatology & Vein Center. Committed to the advancement of his field, Dr. Rajan Bhatt is a fellow of the American College of Radiology.

In partnership with the American Heart Association, the American College of Radiology has issued a new set of guidelines that redefines the range of blood pressures that are considered to be “high” and require intervention. According to the new guidelines, a blood pressure of 130/80 is considered to be high, which replaces the former threshold of 140/90. Under these new measurements, approximately half of American adults would fall into the “high” blood pressure category. The biggest demographic that will see an increase is men under the age of 45, as the rate of high blood pressure among that group will triple under the new guidelines. Women under 45 will see the rate of high blood pressure double among them, as well.