At Home Care after Treatment at Valley Surgery

A member of the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association, Dr. Rajan Bhatt is an experienced cardiologist who has conducted extensive research in the field. In addition, Rajan Bhatt leads several healthcare companies in Scottsdale, Arizona, including Spectrum Dermatology and Valley Surgery Center.

Located in Greater Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona, Valley Surgery Centers offer holistic, state-of-the-art surgical treatments to patients who want their surgery to be as comfortable as possible. Valley Surgery Center has top-ranked anesthesiologists who are devoted to helping patients get the best surgery experience. From pre-surgery to post-surgery, the dedicated team at Valley Surgery collaborates together and also works with patients to optimize care.

After having your surgery at Valley Surgery, your medical team will create a comprehensive home care instruction which will entail health-pertinent information from diet and medication plan to recommended activity and rest. A staff member of Valley Surgery will contact you for follow-up, during which they can provide answers to any questions you ask them. Follow-up may occur one to three days after surgery. If you have any questions or concerns before your follow-up, you may contact the center.