Leading Healthcare Management Techniques for Practitioners

Rajan Bhatt is the founder and CEO of Spectrum Dermatology & Valley Surgery Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Rajan Bhatt is skilled in strategic planning, surgery center development, and multi-specialty healthcare management.

The changing demands of healthcare management have made it necessary for administrators to quicken decisions and adopt effective techniques. Certain techniques have proven to be pertinent in recent times.

Firstly, health administrators can tackle debt and curb delayed payments by mandating patients to make prompt, point-of-service payments in emergency departments. Administrators should also formulate and adhere to policies that ensure full disclosure of costs to patients to mitigate payment delays.

Healthcare practitioners should equally invest in setting up multiple communication outlets. Effective communication channels, coupled with modern hardware, can also improve the delivery of telehealth services. Improved communication elicits a healthcare practitioner’s better understanding of the client’s needs.

Furthermore, healthcare managers should prioritize partnerships and formulate more short-term strategies. Partnerships and collaborations are cost-effective and ideal for reaching a wider range of clients. In addition, rapid changes have made long-term plans risky and unsustainable for healthcare practitioners.