Three Core Values of the American College of Cardiology

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American College of Cardiology

Rajan Bhatt, MD, is an accomplished cardiologist who has worked at Scottsdale, Arizona’s Spectrum Dermatology and Vein Center for more than eight years. In addition to his work at Spectrum, Rajan Bhatt, MD, spends time engaging with a number of professional organizations, including the American College of Cardiology.

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) is a patient-focused, not-for-profit medical society comprised of 49,000 members. In order to better serve patients and elevate the overall quality of cardiology around the world, the ACC emphasizes three core values of service.

All ACC members are expected to promote professionalism and excellence at all times. The ACC is dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation, for the medical field and for each individual engaged in the profession. By holding to the highest possible professional standards, ACC members can establish themselves as trusted, knowledgeable representatives of the cardiovascular community.

Members of the ACC are also expected to collaborate with peers by freely exchanging information, establishing strategic partnerships, supporting and exploring a peer’s viewpoints and thoughts, and developing leadership skills that allow for optimal team performance. Members should also engage in transparent communications with peers and patients.

Lastly, ACC members must appreciate the fact that their roles are to better the lives of patients whenever possible. Members are not simply medical professionals, but advocates for individuals and groups suffering from cardiovascular ailments. Cardiologists must not only treat a patient’s condition, but provide moral support and motivation throughout the recovery period. Similarly, treatment periods should be utilized as opportunities to educate patients and engage in shared decision making in hopes of avoiding future cardiovascular complications.