ASE’s Echovation Challenge Promotes Advancements in Echocardiography


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Echovation Challenge

Dr. Rajan Bhatt, a cardiologist at Spectrum Dermatology & Vein Center, has published numerous articles over his more than 10-year career. His work has been recognized through nearly a dozen honors and awards, and he has given several presentations around the country. Also active in the professional community, Dr. Rajan Bhatt belongs to the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE).

As part of its efforts to promote excellence in cardiovascular ultrasound, ASE maintains the Echovation Challenge. This challenge was first created in 2015 during one of the ASE’s Strategic Planning Retreats. During the retreat, the board of directors realized that the organization must foster more collaboration and innovation in the field and decided that an innovation competition would be the most compelling way to encourage this.

Their ideas culminated in the creation of the Echovation Challenge, which launched in fall 2015. During the organization’s 2016 Scientific Sessions in Seattle, the challenge held a live finals event to showcase innovations that were either in development or already adopted in echocardiography labs around the world.

The Echovation Challenge was held again in 2017 with a theme of “Streamlining Diagnostics for Augmented Medical Decision Making.” Nearly two dozen projects were recognized during the Echovation Challenge 2017, and five teams were selected to present their projects at ASE 2017.